Graduate Training: MIT
Fellowship: Mass Gen Hospital/Harvard
Janine D. Mendola, Ph.D.  

Visual Neuroscience Lab

Associate Professor
McGill Vision Research
Dept. of Ophthalmology
1650 Cedar Avenue, Rm. L7-120
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1A4
t: (514) 934-1934 ext. 36269
f: (514) 934-8216

McGill Vision Research
BRaIN Program
MNI - The Neuro


Recent Publications

Qiu SX, Caldwell CL, You JY, Mendola JD. (2020) Binocular rivalry from luminance and contrast. Vision Res. 2020;175:41-50. 

Bock, E.A, Fesi, J.D., Baillet, S., Mendola J.D., (2019) Tagged MEG Measures Binocular Rivalry in a Cortical Network that Predicts Alternation Rate. PLoS One.  14(7):e0218529.

Cooper P., Mendola J.D., (2019) Abnormal Sensory Eye Dominance in Stereoanomalous Subjects. Journal of Vision, 19(13):14, 1–16.

Mendola J.D., Lam, J., Rosenstein, M., Lewis L.B., & Shmuel A. (2018).  Retinotopically organized resting-state functional connectivity of human visual cortex in amblyopia.  Neuroimge Clinical. 18:192-201.

Mendola J.D. (2016) Amblyopic Suppression Revealed (commentary). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 57(13), 5655.

Dawson D.A., Lam J., Lewis L.B., Carbonell F.M., Mendola J.D., Shmuel A. (2016) Partial-correlation based retinotopically organized resting-state functional connectivity within and between areas of the visual cortex reflects more than cortical distance. Brain Connectivity, 6(1):57-75.

Scholl H.P.N., Koenekoop R.K., Moore A.T., Fishman G.A., Jacobsen S.G., van den Born L.I., Mendola, J.D., Zrenner E.  Safety and Proof-of-Concept Study of Oral QLT091001 in Retinitis Pigmentosa Due to Inherited Deficiencies of Retinal Pigment Epithelial 65 Protein (RPE65) or Lecithin:Retinol Acyltransferase (LRAT). (2015) PLOS One, 10;10(12):e0143846.

Dawson D.A., Lam K., Lewis L.B., Carbonell F.M., Mendola J.D., Shmuel A. (2015) Partial-correlation based retinotopically organized resting-state functional connectivity within and between areas of the visual cortex reflects more than cortical distance. Brain Connectivity. [Epub ahead of print].

Buckthought A. Fesi J.D., Kirsch L.E. & Mendola J.D. (2015) Comparison of stimulus rivalry to binocular rivalry with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Vision, 15(14):2,1-20.

Fesi J.D. & Mendola J.D. (2015). Individual peak gamma frequency predicts switch rate in perceptual rivalry. Human Brain Mapping, 36(2):566-76.

Koenekoop R.K., Sui R., Sallum J., van den Born I., Ajlan R., Khan A., den Hollander A., Cremers F.P.M., Mendola J.D., Bittner A.K., Dagnelie G., Schuchard R.A., and Saperstein D.A. (2014). Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Oral 9-cis Retinoid treating childhood blindness due to Leber Congenital Amaurosis caused by RPE65 or LRAT mutations: a phase 1b human clinical trial. The Lancet, 384(9953):1513-20.

Kiorpes L., Dobkins K., & Mendola J.D. (2013). Linking hypotheses in visual neuroscience. Visual Neuroscience, 30(5-6):183-4.

Fesi J.D. & Mendola J.D. (2013) Linking brain to behaviour for the visual perception of figures and objects. Visual Neuroscience, 30(5-6):299-313.

Mendola J.D. & Fesi J.D. (2013) Long-range grouping mechanisms and object perception. Commentary, Cognitive Neuroscience, 4(1): 46-47.

Mendola J.D., Buckthought A. (2013) FMRI investigation of monocular pattern rivalry. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(1):62-73.

Dawson D.A., Cha K., Lewis L.B., Mendola J.D., Shmuel A. (2013) Evaluation and calibration of functional network modeling methods based on known anatomical connections. Neuroimage. 67:331-43.

Buckthought A., Mendola J.D. (2012) How simultaneous is the perception of binocular depth and rivalry in plaid stimuli? iPerception, 3(5):305-315.

Buckthought A., Jessula S., Mendola J.D. (2011) Bistable percepts in the brain: fMRI contrasts monocular pattern rivalry and binocular rivalry. PLoS ONE, 6(5):e20367.

Buckthought A. & Mendola J.D. (2011) A matched fMRI comparison of binocular depth and rivalry. Journal of Vision, 11(6):3,1-15.

Connor, I.P, Odom J.V., Schwartz T., Mendola, J.D. (2007) Retinotopic Maps and Foveal Suppression in Visual Cortex of Amblyopic Adults. Journal of Physiology, 583(1):159-173.

Connor, I.P, Odom J.V., Schwartz T., Mendola, J.D. (2007) Monocular Activation of V1 and V2 in Amblyopic Adults Measured with fMRI. Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 11(4):341-50.

Mendola J.D. & Conner I.P. (2007) Eye Dominance Predicts fMRI Signals in Human Retinotopic Cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 414(1):30–34.

Agrawal R., Conner, I.P., Odom JV, Schwartz, Mendola, J.D. (2006) Relating Binocular and Monocular Vision in Strabismic and Anisometropic Amblyopia. Archives of Ophthalmology, 124(6):844-50.

Mendola, J.D., Conner I.P., Sharma S., and Lemieux S.K. (2006) fMRI measures of perceptual filling-in in the human visual cortex: a filling-in paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(3):363-75.

Mendola, J.D., Conner, I.P., Roy, A., Chan, S.T., Schwartz, T.L., Odom J.V., Kwong, K.K (2005) Voxel-based analysis of MRI detects abnormal visual cortex in children and adults with amblyopia. Human Brain Mapping, 25:222-236

Conner, I.P., Sharma, S., Lemieux S.K., Mendola, J.D. (2004) Retinotopic organization in children measured with fMRI. Journal of Vision, 4:509-523.

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Vision Research McGill Univeristy