Papers Published
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Goddard, E., Shooner, C., & Mullen, K.T. (in press) MEG contrast adaptation reflects perceptual adaptation. Journal of Vision.
Shooner, C., & Mullen, K. T. (2022). Linking perceived to physical contrast: Comparing results from discrimination and difference-scaling experiments. Journal of Vision, 22(1), 13. DOI: 10.1167/jov.22.1.13 (PDF)
Wong, S. Baldwin, A. Hess, R.F. and Mullen, K.T. (2021) Shifting eye balance using monocularly-directed attention in normal vision Journal of Vision, 21(5):4, 1–17, 2021. Doi: (PDF)
Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. (2021) Attention selectively enhances stimulus information for surround over foveal stimulus representations in occipital cortex Journal of Vision, 21(3):20, 1-19, 2021. doi: (PDF)
Shooner, C. & Mullen, K.T. (2020) Enhanced luminance sensitivity on color and luminance pedestals: threshold measurements and a model of parvocellular luminance processing, Journal of Vision, 20(6), 12-12. DOI:10.1167/jov.20.6.12 (PDF)
Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. (2020) fMRI Representational Similarity Analysis reveals graded preferences for chromatic and achromatic stimulus contrast across human visual cortex, J. NeuroImage, 215, 116780, April 2020. DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116780 (PDF)
Anssari, N., Vosoughi, R., Mullen, K. & Mansouri, B. (2020) Selective colour vision deficits in Multiple Sclerosis at different temporal stages, Neuro-Ophthalmology, 44(1), pp1-8. DOI: 10.1080/01658107.2019.1615960 (PDF)
2015 - 2019
Mullen, K.T. The response to colour in the human visual cortex: the fMRI approach. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 30, pp 141-148, 2019. (PDF)
Goddard, E., Chang, D.H.F., Hess, R.F. & Mullen, K.T. Color contrast adaptation: fMRI fails to predict behavioral adaptation. NeuroImage, 201, pp1-13, 2019. (PDF)
Cohen, D., Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. Re-evaluating hMT+ and hV4 functional specialization for motion and static contrast using fMRI-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Journal of Vision 19(3):11, 1–20, 2019. doi:10.1167/19.3.11. (PDF)
McIlhagga, W.H. & Mullen, K.T. Evidence for chromatic edge detectors in human vision using classification images. Journal of Vision, 18(9):8, 1–17, 2018. (PDF)
Zhou, J., Reynaud, A., Kim, Y.J., Mullen, K.T. and Hess, R.F. Chromatic and achromatic monocular deprivation produce separable changes of eye dominance in adults. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284: 20171669 pp1-10, 2017. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1669. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J., Reynaud, A., Hess, R.F. and Mullen, K.T. A normative data set for the clinical assessment of achromatic and chromatic contrast sensitivity using a qCSF approach. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 58(9): 3628-3636, 2017. DOI: 10.1167/iovs.17-21645. (PDF)
Johnson, E. N. & Mullen, K.T. Chapter: "Color in the Cortex" in the Springer Series in Vision Research, Vol. 5, Jan Kremers et al. (Eds): Human Color Vision. (Springer) 2016. Pp189-217. (PDF)
Cherniawsky, A. & Mullen, K.T. The whole is other than the sum: perceived contrast summation within color and luminance plaids. iPerception, September-October 2016, 1–14. DOI: 10.1177/2041669516672481. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J. & Mullen, K.T. Effect of overlaid luminance contrast on perceived color contrast: shadows enhance, borders suppress. Journal of Vision, 16(11):15, pp1-14, 2016. doi: 10.1167/16.11.15. (PDF)
Chang, D.H.F., Hess, R.F. & Mullen, K.T. Color responses and their adaptation in human superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus. NeuroImage, 138, pp211-220 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.067. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M., Cherniawsky, A. & Mullen, K.T. The orientation tuning of binocular summation: a comparison of colour to achromatic contrast. Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 25692, pp1-9, 2016. DOI: 10.1038/srep25692. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Chang, D.H.F. & Hess, R.F. The selectivity of responses to red-green color and achromatic contrast in the human visual cortex: an fMRI adaptation study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(11), 2923-2933, 2015. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J. & Mullen, K.T. The dynamics of cross-orientation masking at monocular and interocular sites. Vision Research, 116 (Part A), 80-91, 2015. (PDF)
Kaderali, S., Kim, Y.J., Reynaud, A. & Mullen, K.T. The role of human brain area hMT+ in the perception of global motion investigated with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Brain Stimulation, 8(2), 200-207, 2015.
Mullen, K.T., Kim, Y.J. & Gheiratmand, M. Contrast normalization in colour vision: the effect of luminance contrast on colour contrast detection. Scientific Reports, 4, 7350, pp1-8, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/srep07350. (PDF)
Ivanov, I.V., Kramer, D.J. & Mullen, K.T. The role of the foreshortening cue in the perception of 3D object slant. Vision Research, 94, 41-50, 2014. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation tuning in human color vision at detection threshold. Scientific Reports, 4, Article number 4285, pp1-10, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/srep04285 (PDF)
Chappell, M., Potter, Z., Hine, T. J., Mullen, K. T. & Shand, J. Reducing magnocellular processing of various motion trajectories tests one process theories of visual position perception. Journal of Vision, 13(10):16, 1-12, 2013. (PDF)
Garcia-Suarez, L. & Mullen, K.T. Form and motion processing of second-order stimuli in color vision. Journal of Vision, 13(7):10, 1-14, 2013. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J., Gheiratmand, M., & Mullen, K.T. Cross-orientation masking in human color vision: application of a two-stage model to assess dichoptic and monocular sources of suppression. Journal of Vision, 13(6):15, 1-14, 2013. (PDF)
Brown, B., Feigl, B., Gole, G.A., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Assessment of neuroretinal function in a group of functional amblyopes with documented LGN deficits. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 33, 138-149, 2013. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M., Meese, T.S. & Mullen, K.T. Blobs versus bars: psychophysical evidence supports two types of orientation response in human color vision. Journal of Vision, 13(1):2, 1-13, 2013. (PDF)
Ivanov, I.V. & Mullen, K.T. The role of local features in shape discrimination of contour- and surface-defined radial frequency patterns at low contrast. Vision Research. 52, 1-10, 2012. (PDF)
Al-Hashmi, A.M., Kramer, D.J. & Mullen, K.T. Human vision with a lesion of the parvocellular pathway: an optic neuritis model for selective contrast sensitivity deficits with severe loss of midget ganglion cell function. Experimental Brain Research, 215, 293-305, 2011. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Beaudot, W.H.A. & Ivanov, I.V. Evidence that global processing does not limit thresholds for RF shape discrimination. Journal of Vision, 11(3):3, 1-21, 2011. (PDF)
Li, X., Mullen, K.T., Thompson, B. & Hess, R.F. Effective connectivity anomalies in human amblyopia. NeuroImage, 54, 505-516, 2011. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Thompson, B. & Hess, R.F. Responses of the human visual cortex and LGN to achromatic and chromatic temporal modulations: an fMRI study. Journal of Vision, 10(13):13, 1-19, 2010. (PDF)
Garcia-Suarez, L. & Mullen, K.T. Global motion processing in human color vision: a deficit for second–order stimuli. Journal of Vision, 10(14):20, 1-11, 2010. (PDF)
Chappell, M. & Mullen, K.T. The magnocellular visual pathway and the flash-lag illusion. Journal of Vision, 10(11): 24, 1- 10, 2010. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Thompson, B., Gole, G. & Mullen, K.T. The amblyopic deficit and its relationship to geniculo-cortical processing streams. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(1), 475-483, 2010. (PDF)
Leh, S.E., Ptito, A., Schonwiesner, M., Chakravarty, M.M. & Mullen, K.T. Blindsight mediated by an S-cone-independent collicular pathway: an fMRI study in hemispherectomized subjects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4), 670-682, 2009. (PDF)
Medina, J.M. & Mullen, K.T. Cross-orientation masking in human color vision. Journal of Vision, 9(3):20, 1-16, 2009. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Thompson, B., Gole, G. & Mullen, K.T. Deficient responses from the lateral geniculate nucleus in humans with amblyopia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 1064-1070, 2009. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Dumoulin, S.O. & Hess, R.F. Color responses of the human lateral geniculate nucleus: selective amplification of S-cone signals between the lateral geniculate nucleus and primary visual cortex measured with high-field fMRI. European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 1911-1923, 2008. (PDF)
Michna, M. L. & Mullen, K.T. The contribution of color to global motion processing. Journal of Vision, 8(5):10, 1-12, 2008. (PDF)
Huang, P-C., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Colinear facilitation in color vision. Journal of Vision, 7(11):6, 1-14, 2007. (PDF)
Medina, J.M. & Mullen, K.T. Colour-luminance interactions in binocular summation. Vision Research, 47, 1120-1128, 2007. (PDF)
Michna, M. L. & Mullen, K.T. S-cone contributions to linear and non-linear motion processing. Vision Research, 47, 1042-1054, 2007. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Dumoulin, S.O., McMahon, K.L., de Zubicarary, G.I. & Hess, R.F. Selectivity of human retinotopic visual cortex to S-cone-opponent, L/M-cone-opponent and achromatic stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 491-502, 2007. (PDF)
Leh, S.E., Mullen, K.T. & Ptito, A. Absence of S-cone input in human blindsight following hemispherectomy. European Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 2954-2960, 2006. (PDF)
Sakurai, M. and Mullen, K.T. Cone weights for the two cone-opponent systems in peripheral vision and asymmetries of cone contrast sensitivity. Vision Research, 46, 4346-4354, 2006. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation discrimination in human vision: psychophysics and modeling. Vision Research, 46, 26-46, 2006. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation selectivity in luminance and color vision assessed using 2-d band-pass filtered spatial noise. Vision Research, 45, 687-696, 2005. (PDF)
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. The role of perception, language, and preference in the developmental acquisition of basic colour terms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 90, 275-302, 2005. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Sakurai, M & Chu, W. Does L/M cone opponency disappear in human periphery? Perception, 34, 951-959, 2005. (PDF)
Kogan, C.S., Boutet, I., Cornish, K., Zangenehpour, S., Mullen, K.T., Holden, J.J., DerKaloustian, V.M., Andermann, E. & Chaudhuri, A. Differential impact of the FMR1 gene on visual processing in fragile X syndrome. Brain, 127, 591-601, 2004. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Yoshizawa, T., & Baker, C.L. Luminance mechanisms mediate the motion of red-green isoluminant gratings: the role of "temporal chromatic aberration". Vision Research, 43, 1235-1247, 2003. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. How long range is contour integration in human color vision? Visual Neuroscience, 20, 51-64, 2003. (PDF)
Yoshizawa, T., Mullen, K.T. & Baker, C.L. Failure of signed chromatic apparent motion with luminance masking. Vision Research, 43, 751-759, 2003. (PDF)
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. The development of conceptual colour categories in pre-school children: influence of perceptual categorization. Visual Cognition, 10, 51-77, 2003. (PDF) (NB. No color plate in this pdf, see web site for color Figure 1).
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. Is the acquisition of basic-colour terms in young children constrained? Perception, 31, 1349-1370, 2002. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Kingdom F.A. Differential distributions of red-green and blue-yellow cone opponency across the visual field. Visual Neuroscience, 19, 1-10, 2002. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Beaudot, W.H. Comparison of color and luminance vision on a global shape discrimination task. Vision Research, 42, 565-575, 2002. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J., Mullen, K.T. & Hine, T.J. Ratio model serves suprathreshold color-luminance discrimination. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 18, 425-435, 2002. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Assumptions concerning orthogonality in threshold-scaled versus cone-contrast colour spaces. Vision Research, 41, 53-55, 2001. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Dynamics of contour integration. Vision Research, 41, 1023-1037, 2001. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Bipolar or rectified chromatic detection mechanisms? Visual Neuroscience, 18, 127-135, 2001. (PDF)
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. Conceptualization of perceptual attributes: a special case for color? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 289-314, 2001. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Processing time of contour integration: the role of colour, contrast and curvature. Perception, 30, 833-853, 2001. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J., Chen, J.C., Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Evidence for mild blue-yellow colour vision deficits immediately following fluorescein angiography. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 20, 137-141, 2000. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Beaudot, W.H.A. & McIlhagga, W.H. Contour integration in color vision: a common process for the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance mechanisms? Vision Research, 40, 639-655, 2000. (PDF)
Yoshizawa, T., Mullen, K.T. & Baker, C.L. Absence of a chromatic linear motion mechanism in human vision. Vision Research, 40, 1993-2010, 2000. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Role of chromaticity, contrast, and local orientation cues in the perception of density. Perception, 29, 581-600, 2000. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. The spatial tuning of color and luminance peripheral vision measured with notch filtered noise masking. Vision Research, 39, 721-731, 1999. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Sankeralli, M.J. Evidence for the stochastic independence of the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance detection mechanisms revealed by subthreshold summation. Vision Research, 39, 733-745, 1999. (PDF)
Woodward T.S, Dixon, M.J., Mullen, K.T., Christensen, K.M & Bub, D.N. Analysis of errors in color agnosia: a single-case study. Neurocase, 5, 95-108, 1999. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Ratio model for suprathreshold hue-increment detection. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 16, 2625-2637, 1999. (PDF)
Baker, C.L., Boulton, J.C. & Mullen, K.T. A nonlinear chromatic motion mechanism. Vision Research, 38, 291-302, 1998. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Failure of direction discrimination at detection threshold for both fast and slow chromatic motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 15, 2945-2950, 1998. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Cropper, S.J. & Losada, M.A. Absence of linear subthreshold summation between red-green and luminance mechanisms over a wide range of spatio-temporal conditions. Vision Research, 37, 1167-1175, 1997. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Red-green and achromatic temporal filters: a ratio model predicts contrast dependent speed perception. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 14, 984-996, 1997. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Postreceptoral chromatic detection mechanisms revealed by noise masking in three-dimensional cone contrast space. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 14, 2633-2646, 1997. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Sankeralli, M.J. & Hess, R.F. Color and luminance vision in human amblyopia: shifts in isoluminance, contrast sensitivity losses, and positional deficits. Vision Research, 36, 645-653, 1996. (PDF)
McIlhagga, W.H. & Mullen, K.T. Contour integration with colour and luminance contrast. Vision Research, 36, 1265-1279, 1996. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Estimation of the L-, M- and S-cone weights of the post-receptoral detection mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 13, 906-915, 1996. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Kingdom F.A. Losses in peripheral color sensitivity predicted from "hit & miss" post-receptoral cone connections. Vision Research, 36, 1995-2000, 1996. (PDF)
Cropper, S.J., Mullen, K.T. & Badcock, D.R. Motion coherence across different chromatic axes. Vision Research, 36, 2475-2488, 1996. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Temporal mechanisms underlying flicker detection and identification for red-green and achromatic stimuli. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 13, 1969-1980, 1996. (PDF)
Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. Color and luminance spatial tuning estimated by noise masking in the absence of off-frequency looking. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 12, 250-260, 1995. (PDF)
Kingdom, F.A.A. & Mullen, K.T. Separating colour and luminance information in the visual system. Spatial Vision, 9, 191-219, 1995. (PDF)
Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. The spatial tuning of chromatic mechanisms identified by simultaneous masking. Vision Research, 34, 331-341, 1994. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. Evidence for separate pathways for color and luminance detection mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 11, 3136-3151, 1994. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. Absence of smooth motion perception in color vision. Vision Research, 32, pp483-488, 1992. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. Interactions between colour and luminance contrast in the perception of motion. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 12, 201-205, 1992. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T. & Nordby, K. Mutual rod-cone suppression within the central visual field. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 12, 183-188, 1992. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Colour vision as a post-receptoral specialization of the central visual field. Vision Research, 31, 119-130, 1991. (PDF)
Anderson S.A., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Human peripheral spatial resolution for achromatic and chromatic stimuli: limits imposed by optical and retinal factors. Journal of Physiology, 442, 47-64, 1991. (PDF)
Boulton J.C and Mullen K.T. A case in which colour vision is no longer motion blind. Clinical Vision Sciences, 5, 175-184, 1990.
Mullen, K.T. and Kulikowski, J.J. Wavelength discrimination at detection threshold. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 7, 733-742, 1990. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T., Sharpe, L.T. and Zrenner, E. The photoreceptors in atypical achromotopsia. J. Physiology, 417, 123-149, 1989. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T. and Zrenner, E. Human photopic vision with only short wavelength cones: post-receptoral properties. J. Physiology, 417, 151-172, 1989. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Spatial influences on colour opponent contributions to pattern detection. Vision Research, 27, 829-839, 1987. (PDF)
Legge, G.E., Mullen, K.T., Woo, G.C. and Campbell, F.W. Tolerance to visual defocus. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 4, 851-863 1987. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Plant, G.T. Anomalies in the appearance of colours and of hue discrimination in optic neuritis. Clinical Vision Sciences, 1, 287-302, 1987. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Plant, G.T. Colour and luminance vision in human optic neuritis. Brain, 109, 1-13, 1986. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Baker, C.L. Jr. A motion aftereffect from an isoluminant stimulus. Vision Research, 25, 685-688, 1985. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. The contrast sensitivity of human colour vision to red/green and blue/yellow chromatic gratings. Journal of Physiology, 359, 381-400, 1985. Download scanned pdf: (PDF) or for better quality use this link:
fMRI, TMS, and related work
Goddard, E., Shooner, C., & Mullen, K.T. (in press) MEG contrast adaptation reflects perceptual adaptation. Journal of Vision.
Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. (2021) Attention selectively enhances stimulus information for surround over foveal stimulus representations in occipital cortex Journal of Vision, 21(3):20, 1-19, 2021. doi: (PDF)
Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. (2020) fMRI Representational Similarity Analysis reveals graded preferences for chromatic and achromatic stimulus contrast across human visual cortex, J. NeuroImage, 215, 116780, April 2020. DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116780 (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. The response to colour in the human visual cortex: the fMRI approach. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 30, pp 141-148, 2019. (PDF)
Goddard, E., Chang, D.H.F., Hess, R.F. & Mullen, K.T. Color contrast adaptation: fMRI fails to predict behavioral adaptation. NeuroImage, 201, pp1-13, 2019. (PDF)
Cohen, D., Goddard, E. & Mullen, K.T. Re-evaluating hMT+ and hV4 functional specialization for motion and static contrast using fMRI-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Journal of Vision 19(3):11, 1–20, 2019. doi:10.1167/19.3.11. (PDF)
Chang, D.H.F., Hess, R.F. & Mullen, K.T. Adaptation of human lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus to red-green and achromatic contrast. NeuroImage, 138, pp211-220 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.067. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Chang, D.H.F. & Hess, R.F. The selectivity of responses to red-green color and achromatic contrast in the human visual cortex: an fMRI adaptation study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(11), 2923-2933, 2015. (PDF)
Brown, B., Feigl, B., Gole, G.A., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Assessment of neuroretinal function in a group of functional amblyopes with documented LGN deficits. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 33, 138-149, 2013. (PDF)
Li, X., Mullen, K.T., Thompson, B. & Hess, R.F. Effective connectivity anomalies in human amblyopia. NeuroImage, 54, 505-516, 2011. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Thompson, B. & Hess, R.F. Responses of the human visual cortex and LGN to achromatic and chromatic temporal modulations: an fMRI study. Journal of Vision, 10(13):13, 1-19, 2010. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Thompson, B., Gole, G. & Mullen, K.T. The amblyopic deficit and its relationship to geniculo-cortical processing streams. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(1), 475-483, 2010. (PDF)
Leh, S.E., Ptito, A., Schonwiesner, M., Chakravarty, M.M. & Mullen, K.T. Blindsight mediated by an S-cone-independent collicular pathway: an fMRI study in hemispherectomized subjects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4), 670-682, 2009. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Thompson, B., Gole, G. & Mullen, K.T. Deficient responses from the lateral geniculate nucleus in humans with amblyopia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 1064-1070, 2009. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Dumoulin, S.O. & Hess, R.F. Color responses of the human lateral geniculate nucleus: selective amplification of S-cone signals between the lateral geniculate nucleus and primary visual cortex measured with high-field fMRI. European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 1911-1923, 2008. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Dumoulin, S.O., McMahon, K.L., de Zubicarary, G.I. & Hess, R.F. Selectivity of human retinotopic visual cortex to S-cone-opponent, L/M-cone-opponent and achromatic stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 491-502, 2007. (PDF)
Leh, S.E., Mullen, K.T. & Ptito, A. Absence of S-cone input in human blindsight following hemispherectomy. European Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 2954-2960, 2006. (PDF)
Color and shape perception - spatial tuning, form, and binocular vision
Shooner, C., & Mullen, K. T. (2022). Linking perceived to physical contrast: Comparing results from discrimination and difference-scaling experiments. Journal of Vision, 22(1), 13. DOI: 10.1167/jov.22.1.13 (PDF)
Shooner, C. & Mullen, K.T. (2020) Enhanced luminance sensitivity on color and luminance pedestals: threshold measurements and a model of parvocellular luminance processing, Journal of Vision, 20(6), 12-12. DOI:10.1167/jov.20.6.12 (PDF)
Johnson, E. N. & Mullen, K.T. Chapter: "Color in the Cortex" in the Springer Series in Vision Research, Vol. 5, Jan Kremers et al. (Eds): Human Color Vision. (Springer) 2016. Pp189-217. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M., Cherniawsky, A. & Mullen, K.T. The orientation tuning of binocular summation: a comparison of colour to achromatic contrast. Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 25692, pp1-9, 2016. DOI:10.1038/srep25692. (PDF)
Ivanov, I.V., Kramer, D.J. & Mullen, K.T. The role of the foreshortening cue in the perception of 3D object slant. Vision Research, 94, 41-50, 2014. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation tuning in human color vision at detection threshold. Scientific Reports, 4, Article number 4285, pp1-10, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/srep04285 (PDF)
Garcia-Suarez, L. & Mullen, K.T. Form and motion processing of second-order stimuli in color vision. Journal of Vision, 13(7):10, 1-14, 2013. (PDF)
Gheiratmand, M., Meese, T.S. & Mullen, K.T. Blobs versus bars: psychophysical evidence supports two types of orientation response in human color vision. Journal of Vision, 13(1):2, 1-13, 2013. (PDF)
Ivanov, I.V. & Mullen, K.T. The role of local features in shape discrimination of contour- and surface-defined radial frequency patterns at low contrast. Vision Research. 52, 1-10, 2012. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Beaudot, W.H.A. & Ivanov, I.V. Evidence that global processing does not limit thresholds for RF shape discrimination. Journal of Vision, 11(3):3, 1-21, 2011. (PDF)
Huang, P-C., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Colinear facilitation in color vision. Journal of Vision, 7(11):6, 1-14, 2007. (PDF)
Medina, J.M. & Mullen, K.T. Colour-luminance interactions in binocular summation. Vision Research, 47, 1120-1128, 2007. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation discrimination in human vision: psychophysics and modeling. Vision Research, 46, 26-46, 2006. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Orientation selectivity in luminance and color vision assessed using 2-d band-pass filtered spatial noise. Vision Research, 45, 687-696, 2005. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. How long range is contour integration in human color vision? Visual Neuroscience, 20, 51-64, 2003. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Beaudot, W.H. Comparison of color and luminance vision on a global shape discrimination task. Vision Research, 42, 565-575, 2002. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Dynamics of contour integration. Vision Research, 41, 1023-1037, 2001. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Processing time of contour integration: the role of colour, contrast and curvature. Perception, 30, 833-853, 2001. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Beaudot, W.H.A. & McIlhagga, W.H. Contour integration in color vision: a common process for the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance mechanisms? Vision Research, 40, 639-655, 2000. (PDF)
Beaudot, W.H.A. & Mullen, K.T. Role of chromaticity, contrast, and local orientation cues in the perception of density. Perception, 29, 581-600, 2000. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. The spatial tuning of color and luminance peripheral vision measured with notch filtered noise masking. Vision Research, 39, 721-731, 1999. (PDF)
McIlhagga, W.H. & Mullen, K.T. Contour integration with colour and luminance contrast. Vision Research, 36, 1265-1279, 1996. (PDF)
Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. Color and luminance spatial tuning estimated by noise masking in the absence of off-frequency looking. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 12, 250-260, 1995. (PDF)
Kingdom, F.A.A. & Mullen, K.T. Separating colour and luminance information in the visual system. Spatial Vision, 9, 191-219, 1995. (PDF)
Losada, M.A. & Mullen, K.T. The spatial tuning of chromatic mechanisms identified by simultaneous masking. Vision Research, 34, 331-341, 1994. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Losada, M.A. Evidence for separate pathways for color and luminance detection mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 11, 3136-3151, 1994. (PDF)
Anderson S.A., Mullen, K.T. & Hess, R.F. Human peripheral spatial resolution for achromatic and chromatic stimuli: limits imposed by optical and retinal factors. Journal of Physiology, 442, 47-64, 1991. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Spatial influences on colour opponent contributions to pattern detection. Vision Research, 27, 829-839, 1987. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. The contrast sensitivity of human colour vision to red/green and blue/yellow chromatic gratings. Journal of Physiology, 359, 381-400, 1985. Download scanned pdf: (PDF) or for better quality use this link:
Cross orientation masking, contrast normalization, and binocular vision
Wong, S. Baldwin, A. Hess, R.F. and Mullen, K.T. (2021) Shifting eye balance using monocularly-directed attention in normal vision Journal of Vision, 21(5):4, 1–17, 2021. Doi: (PDF)
Cherniawsky, A. & Mullen, K.T The whole is other than the sum: the perceived summation of color and luminance plaids with contrast matching. iPerception, September-October 2016, 1–14. DOI:10.1177/2041669516672481. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J. & Mullen, K.T. Effect of overlaid luminance contrast on perceived color contrast: shadows enhance, borders suppress. Journal of Vision, 16(11):15, pp1-14, 2016. doi:10.1167/16.11.15. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J. & Mullen, K.T. The dynamics of cross-orientation masking at monocular and interocular sites. Vision Research, 116 (Part A), 80-91, 2015. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Kim, Y.J. & Gheiratmand, M. Contrast normalization in colour vision: the effect of luminance contrast on colour contrast detection. Scientific Reports, 4, 7350, pp1-8, 2014. DOI: 10.1038/srep07350. (PDF)
Kim, Y.J., Gheiratmand, M., & Mullen, K.T. Cross-orientation masking in human color vision: application of a two-stage model to assess dichoptic and monocular sources of suppression. Journal of Vision, 13(6):15, 1-14, 2013. (PDF)
Medina, J.M. & Mullen, K.T. Cross-orientation masking in human color vision. Journal of Vision, 9(3):20, 1-16, 2009. (PDF)
Color vision and motion perception
Kaderali, S., Kim, Y.J., Reynaud, A. & Mullen, K.T. The role of human brain area hMT+ in the perception of global motion investigated with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Brain Stimulation, 8(2), 200-207, 2015. (PDF)
Chappell, M., Potter, Z., Hine, T. J., Mullen, K. T. & Shand, J. Reducing magnocellular processing of various motion trajectories tests one process theories of visual position perception. Journal of Vision, 13(10):16, 1-12, 2013. (PDF)
Garcia-Suarez, L. & Mullen, K.T. Global motion processing in human color vision: a deficit for second–order stimuli. Journal of Vision, 10(14):20, 1-11, 2010. (PDF)
Chappell, M. & Mullen, K.T. The magnocellular visual pathway and the flash-lag illusion. Journal of Vision, 10(11): 24, 1- 10, 2010. (PDF)
Michna, M. L. & Mullen, K.T. The contribution of color to global motion processing. Journal of Vision, 8(5):10, 1-12, 2008. (PDF)
Michna, M. L. & Mullen, K.T. S-cone contributions to linear and non-linear motion processing. Vision Research, 47, 1042-1054, 2007. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Yoshizawa, T., & Baker, C.L. Luminance mechanisms mediate the motion of red-green isoluminant gratings: the role of "temporal chromatic aberration". Vision Research, 43, 1235-1247, 2003. (PDF)
Yoshizawa, T., Mullen, K.T. & Baker, C.L. Failure of signed chromatic apparent motion with luminance masking. Vision Research, 43, 751-759, 2003. (PDF)
Yoshizawa, T., Mullen, K.T. & Baker, C.L. Absence of a chromatic linear motion mechanism in human vision. Vision Research, 40, 1993-2010, 2000. (PDF)
Baker, C.L., Boulton, J.C. & Mullen, K.T. A nonlinear chromatic motion mechanism. Vision Research, 38, 291-302, 1998. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Failure of direction discrimination at detection threshold for both fast and slow chromatic motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 15, 2945-2950, 1998. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Red-green and achromatic temporal filters: a ratio model predicts contrast dependent speed perception. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 14, 984-996, 1997. (PDF)
Cropper, S.J., Mullen, K.T. & Badcock, D.R. Motion coherence across different chromatic axes. Vision Research, 36, 2475-2488, 1996. (PDF)
Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Temporal mechanisms underlying flicker detection and identification for red-green and achromatic stimuli. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 13, 1969-1980, 1996. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. Absence of smooth motion perception in color vision. Vision Research, 32, pp483-488, 1992. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Boulton, J.C. Interactions between colour and luminance contrast in the perception of motion. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 12, 201-205, 1992. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Baker, C.L. Jr. A motion aftereffect from an isoluminant stimulus. Vision Research, 25, 685-688, 1985. (PDF)
Cone opponency and color mechanisms in fovea and periphery
Sakurai, M. and Mullen, K.T. Cone weights for the two cone-opponent systems in peripheral vision and asymmetries of cone contrast sensitivity. Vision Research, 46, 4346-4354, 2006. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Sakurai, M & Chu, W. Does L/M cone opponency disappear in human periphery? Perception, 34, 951-959, 2005. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Kingdom F.A. Differential distributions of red-green and blue-yellow cone opponency across the visual field. Visual Neuroscience, 19, 1-10, 2002. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J., Mullen, K.T. & Hine, T.J. Ratio model serves suprathreshold color-luminance discrimination. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 18, 425-435, 2002. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Assumptions concerning orthogonality in threshold-scaled versus cone-contrast colour spaces. Vision Research, 41, 53-55, 2001. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Bipolar or rectified chromatic detection mechanisms? Visual Neuroscience, 18, 127-135, 2001. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Sankeralli, M.J. Evidence for the stochastic independence of the blue-yellow, red-green and luminance detection mechanisms revealed by subthreshold summation. Vision Research, 39, 733-745, 1999. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Ratio model for suprathreshold hue-increment detection. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 16, 2625-2637, 1999. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Cropper, S.J. & Losada, M.A. Absence of linear subthreshold summation between red-green and luminance mechanisms over a wide range of spatio-temporal conditions. Vision Research, 37, 1167-1175, 1997. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Postreceptoral chromatic detection mechanisms revealed by noise masking in three-dimensional cone contrast space. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 14, 2633-2646, 1997. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J. & Mullen, K.T. Estimation of the L-, M- and S-cone weights of the post-receptoral detection mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 13, 906-915, 1996. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. & Kingdom F.A. Losses in peripheral color sensitivity predicted from "hit & miss" post-receptoral cone connections. Vision Research, 36, 1995-2000, 1996. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T. & Nordby, K. Mutual rod-cone suppression within the central visual field. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 12, 183-188, 1992. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. Colour vision as a post-receptoral specialization of the central visual field. Vision Research, 31, 119-130, 1991. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Kulikowski, J.J. Wavelength discrimination at detection threshold. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 7, 733-742, 1990. (PDF)
Clinical psychophysics - Optic neuritis, Amblyopia, Monochromacy, Agnosia, and others
Anssari, N., Vosoughi, R., Mullen, K. & Mansouri, B. (2020) Selective colour vision deficits in Multiple Sclerosis at different temporal stages, Neuro-Ophthalmology, 44(1), pp1-8. DOI: 10.1080/01658107.2019.1615960 (PDF)
Al-Hashmi, A.M., Kramer, D.J. & Mullen, K.T. Human vision with a lesion of the parvocellular pathway: an optic neuritis model for selective contrast sensitivity deficits with severe loss of midget ganglion cell function. Experimental Brain Research, 215, 293-305, 2011. (PDF)
Sankeralli, M.J., Chen, J.C., Metha, A.B. & Mullen, K.T. Evidence for mild blue-yellow colour vision deficits immediately following fluorescein angiography. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 20, 137-141, 2000. (PDF)
Woodward T.S, Dixon, M.J., Mullen, K.T., Christensen, K.M & Bub, D.N. Analysis of errors in color agnosia: a single-case study. Neurocase, 5, 95-108, 1999. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T., Sankeralli, M.J. & Hess, R.F. Color and luminance vision in human amblyopia: shifts in isoluminance, contrast sensitivity losses, and positional deficits. Vision Research, 36, 645-653, 1996. (PDF)
Boulton J.C and Mullen K.T. A case in which colour vision is no longer motion blind. Clinical Vision Sciences, 5, 175-184, 1990.
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T., Sharpe, L.T. and Zrenner, E. The photoreceptors in atypical achromotopsia. J. Physiology, 417, 123-149, 1989. (PDF)
Hess, R.F., Mullen, K.T. and Zrenner, E. Human photopic vision with only short wavelength cones: post-receptoral properties. J. Physiology, 417, 151-172, 1989. (PDF)
Legge, G.E., Mullen, K.T., Woo, G.C. and Campbell, F.W. Tolerance to visual defocus. Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 4, 851-863 1987. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Plant, G.T. Anomalies in the appearance of colours and of hue discrimination in optic neuritis. Clinical Vision Sciences, 1, 287-302, 1987. (PDF)
Mullen, K.T. and Plant, G.T. Colour and luminance vision in human optic neuritis. Brain, 109, 1-13, 1986. (PDF)
Color vision in children - normal and abnormal development
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. The role of perception, language, and preference in the developmental acquisition of basic colour terms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 90, 275-302, 2005. (PDF)
Kogan, C.S., Boutet, I., Cornish, K., Zangenehpour, S., Mullen, K.T., Holden, J.J., DerKaloustian, V.M., Andermann, E. & Chaudhuri, A. Differential impact of the FMR1 gene on visual processing in fragile X syndrome. Brain, 127, 591-601, 2004. (PDF)
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. The development of conceptual colour categories in pre-school children: influence of perceptual categorization. Visual Cognition, 10, 51-77, 2003. (PDF) (NB. No color plate in this pdf, see web site for color Figure 1).
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. Is the acquisition of basic-colour terms in young children constrained? Perception, 31, 1349-1370, 2002. (PDF)
Pitchford, N.J. & Mullen, K.T. Conceptualization of perceptual attributes: a special case for color? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 289-314, 2001. (PDF)